Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sometimes you are in a season in life where what you want is just not right for your family. 

My goals and dreams are so important to me. I have HUGE 2015 goals that I believe will make me a stronger Christian, and better business women and a fantastic person, but none of these goals are more important than being a great wife and mother! 

I had to remember that when my family asked me to not do the Mrs Alaska pageant and spend more time with them. As much as I felt like getting on my soap box and talk about all the giving I do for them and how they should be able to let me do THIS ONE THINGS... I knew my only answer to them could be YES! 

That doesn't mean that it won't ever be my season to get back in pageants, it just means for now, my focus needs to be on the three little ones (and one big one) who depend on me for nearly everything :) 

My fitness journey will still go on and I will definitely find excuses to still try on fancy dresses, but for now I'm just going to be happy being Mrs. Gorrin of Alaska- and that's a pretty great title!! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Let's Get Saucy!

A great way to save a few calories, but not lose any taste is to make your own sauce or dressing. When you know what's going into the recipe you have the ability to tweak it as you like to keep sodium and sugar low! 

If found these fun recipes I'm going to try out this week on pinterest. Take a look!

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Slump!

have been in a slump! I think I knew I was going to indulge for Thanksgiving so my mind told my body to live it up!

3 days of no working out 
Cheese Cake 
That was all before the big Thanksgiving feast!


Well, for me the best way to kick a slump is to buy to workout clothes ( Thank You Black Friday!) and to put my nutrition back in check. Time to kick my booty back into gear! 

3 Day Refresh HERE I COME!

3 days of clean eating, body detoxing, and whole foods. I'm excited, and ready. Can't let this pizza sit on my hips for much longer. I'm starting to get pudgy. 

I jump on this December 1st...because leftovers are really good!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I am so thankful for all of your love and your support as I strive for my goal. Happy Thanksgiving and remember to Always thank the Lord! Timeline Photos - Grace Through The Race | Facebook

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 4 of Pageant Prep - 114 days to go

I found this gown online yesterday and decided it would be my "goal gown." The vision I will keep before me as I workout and eat clean. I want my arms to be toned and my back fat to go away. This is what I want to look like when I walk across the stage in March. 

 This morning I woke up in a panic...


Onto Turbofire. I got some back fat to kill!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 3 of Pageant Prep - 115 days to go

I love salads!
 A jumbling of gorgeous crunchy vegetables with some healthy fats (avocado and olive oil), and a few strawberries is all I need to be happy! 
 What doesn't make me happy is spending $20 for said salad. Why Salad? 
Why must you be so good and cost so much? 
It's probably the way I pile on everything at the Carrs salad bar, but really am I supposed to NOT get the carrot sticks? I mean, Really?!

6 months ago I hated salads with fruit on them. Now I dream about this. MMMMM Salad!

A little PiYo Full Body Blast with the assistance of Lillian V to push me along the way was on the agenda today!

  "Mommy I don't think you are piking like they are." "Mommy why are you sweating? You stopped twice before they did..."

I love her!

If you haven't heard of PiYo. Try it! By far my favorite workout to do and the one I've seen the most results from! PiYo is so unassuming, like a koala bear. It seems sweet and simple. No jumping, no one yelling. Why wouldn't you love it, give it a hug, and put it in your pocket (for the record Koalas do not fit in your pocket)? Then day 3 of the 60 day program begins and BAM you're stretching, strengthening, burpee'ing, and sweating like a pig. Oh the joys!


This weekend I am meeting with the Alaska Pageant director and getting the ball rolling for sponsorships and ad sales. I think I might hire a pageant prep specialist. Someone to help me not stick my tongue out when I say something silly👅 and to teach me not to  look to the sky when I don't know what to say. 😀
Honestly, I'll take all of the help I can get!

I'll try not to answer my on stage question like this!

See ya tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 2 of Pageant Prep - 116 days to go

For the record, vegan cheese...

We are going to take baby steps to low fat cheese and see how that goes!

Anyways, onto my adventurous journey to be the best me I can be!

Working out this morning came together much easier than yesterday. I changed my alarm to JT's Let the Groove Get In. (Oh...JT is what his friends call him, you may know him as Justin Timberlake. Teehee!)  I bounce out of bed ready to jam. 

If you haven't heard that song, Google it. I dare you not to shimmy your shoulders!

Turbo Fire kicked my keister yet again. Even Cole woke up to ask me if I was okay. I guess he could hear the panting from him room. (In through the nose out through the mouth)!

Speaking of working out at home. How many of you workout with your shoes on? Is this normal? I don't. It just feels weird. It feels like I have my shoes on in my house! LOL! Maybe it's an Alaskan thing. 

After my workout I went about my normal morning running around the house like a crazy person. Repeating"Get Your Shoes and Get Into The Car, Get Your Shoes on Get Into The Car" to clearly no one because no one got their shoes or got into the car. We all made it out alive though, so I count today as a victory!! 

Tonight for dinner I introducing Brussels Sprouts to the fam.  I loved them! I didn't get a resounding cheer for more, but I think they'll come back  into the lineup soon!!